Helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level
Tests have shown that all volunteers taking the LoSterol products for less than two months, lowered their cholesterol ratio by an average of 15% with no side effects. Some also recorded increased energy levels.
A special report from the Herbal Research Centre Battle UK.
Although it is not the only major risk factor, raised blood cholesterol is without a doubt linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Most doctors suggest cholesterol levels should be 5.0 mmol/L or under, and for those who have, or are at risk of coronary heart disease, the target should be no higher than 5.0 mmol/L.
Medical laboratories subdivide total cholesterol measurement into several components, including LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which is directly linked to heart disease, and HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which is protective. The ratio between HDL and LDL is currently considered more important than total cholesterol, with the greatest risk for heart disease being too much of one or not enough of another.
Diet and lifestyle are the first things that can be changed to help maintain a healthy cholesterol reading. There are also several effective dietary supplements in the cholesterol lowering department with LoSterol – a combination of Beta-Sitosterol and allicin – being the latest on the market.
How does LoSterol work?
Both the Beta-Sitosterol and allicin in LoSterol are thought to work by blocking the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol (cholesterol produced in the body) during the normal digestive process in the small intestine.
Allicin is also capable of inhibiting the oxidation of cholesterol, which causes it to become “sticky” and form plaque in artery walls. Being an antioxidant, allicin prevents this oxidation and free radical damage, reducing the amount of deposited cholesterol and making it easier for it to be excreted from the body.
What is Beta-Sitosterol
Beta-Sitosterol is one of a number of plant-derived sterol compounds that alone and in combination with similar plant sterols, reduces blood cholesterol. (1, 2, 3) Its close chemical resemblance to cholesterol enables it to block the absorption of cholesterol by competitive inhibition.
Numerous studies have documented the beneficial actions of phytosterols on cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) concentrations, in daily doses of 250 mg to 600 mg. LoSterol contains 250 mg of Beta-Sitosterol per capsule.
What is allicin?
The sulphur-containing compound allicin has a paradoxical story. It comes from garlic, yet although there are at least 33 sulphur compounds in fresh garlic, there is no allicin ! If this sounds contradictory, this is because allicin is only created when garlic is cut or crushed. Allicin is produced when a compound in garlic called alliin reacts with an enzyme also in garlic called allinase. The transformation of alliin into the allicin molecule with the aid of allinase is extremely rapid, completed in seconds. However, as soon as this enzyme reacts with the alliin it dies away and the allicin begins to degrade into other sulphur-containing compounds (such as allitridium and ajoene).
Allicin is the most potent antibacterial and anti-fungal substance in garlic, but under normal circumstances is extremely unstable. Only recently, decades after allicin was first identified in the laboratory, has it been possible to produce a stabilised form on a commercial scale. Peter Josling, director of The Garlic Information Centre in East Sussex, together with a team of chemists and chemical process engineers have pioneered and patented the unique process of water-based extraction and freeze-drying that has made this possible.
This process is finally allowing researchers to explore allicin’s potential more fully, to confirm its spectrum of activity, not only in helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol level; but also against today’s most pressing problems – resistant bacteria, virus and fungal infections.
In relation to reducing heart disease, proven pharmacological activities of allicin include lowering high blood cholesterol, thinning the blood and reducing blood pressure. (4) However, as stabilised allicin has only recently been made available, most studies have been based on the “allicin releasing potential” (dried garlic powder contains both alliin and allinase, therefore allicin will be created when ingested) of powdered garlic supplements rather than allicin itself.
One study demonstrated that garlic powder supplements with allicin-releasing potential may have value in mild to moderate cases of high cholesterol when combined with a low fat diet. (5) In another study, treatment with standardised garlic powder in tablet form produced a significantly greater reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol than placebo. (6) Trials with stabilised allicin in patients with high cholesterol levels are now underway.
Peter Josling in his book Allicin, The Heart of Garlic (Credence 2007), says: “Overall we can now state confidently that allicin is likely to reduce cholesterol by significant amounts in many people and will probably help to reduce the amount of saturated fat absorbed into our bodies.
Together with Beta-Sitosterol, the stabilised allicin in LoSterol make it an effective natural remedy for helping to reduce and maintain healthy fat profiles.”
Mrs Agnes B from Rye writes: “I was put on a statin drug at a large dose to get my cholesterol down from 7.8 which is way too high. When I found out about LoSterol I thought it might help and that I could reduce the dose of the drugs.
After three months using two capsules a day my cholesterol is right down to 3.9 mmol/L but more importantly I have been able to reduce my drug dose down from 80 mg per day to only 10 mg per day. I hope to get off the drugs completely later this year.”
LoSterol is produced for Dulwich Health Ltd, UK
Disclaimer: As a manufacturer, Dulwich Health Ltd. is unable to make claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided is not intended as medical advice and holds no guarantees. As with all other supplementary/alternative products, it shouldn’t be used to replace conventional medical care without consulting your healthcare provider. The benefits of Dulwich Health Ltd. products are based on testimonials, personal and commercial experience.
Suggested Use
Take one capsule per day with food. For maximum benefit you may take 1 capsule 2-3 times per day with food. Do not chew but swallow capsule whole with a cold drink.
If you are taking any other medication, consult your doctor before using LoSterol. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should consult their doctor before taking.
Ingredients: per capsule
- Beta-Sitosterol 250 mg
- Allisure® allicin power 110 mg
- Cellulose 100 mg
- Dicalcium Phosphate 100 mg
- Magnesium Stearate Power BP 25 mg
- (Vegetarian source) Silica 25 mg
Free from artificial colours, preservatives, yeast, gluten, salt, sugar and lactose.
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their doctor before taking.
Advisory Information
If you are allergic, intolerant, or hypersensitive to garlic and / or SOY do not take LoSterol Capsules.
Other benefits of LoSterol
The active ingredients in LoSterol have other benefits too. They help modulate immune function, inflammation and pain levels through their effects on controlling cytokine production – substances involved in the inflammatory process. This modulation may also help reduce allergic reactions and prostate enlargement.
Daily Dose
For people with moderately raised cholesterol the LoSterol dose is one capsule per day with meals. In those with a cholesterol level above 6.5 mmol/L, two or three capsules should be taken daily in divided doses. LoSterol may take a little longer to work than conventional medication, so a minimal three-month course is recommended before its effectiveness is assessed.
LoSterol is unlikely to interfere with pharmaceutical medications, although if you are on existing prescription drugs you may wish to check with your GP before use.
All volunteers showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol after a minimum of 42 days treatment with LoSterol . Some drops were quite dramatic and even volunteers who started with a reasonably low cholesterol level below 5.6 mmol/L were still able to see significant reductions.
Overall in this first pilot study the average decrease in total cholesterol was 15%. This figure is highly significant and could represent a very large reduction in coronary heart disease for this group of otherwise normal individuals who had a moderately raised cholesterol level. It is important to stress that treatment with a simple natural agent such as LoSterol should continue long term for maximum benefit to the cardiovascular system.
Results from the pilot study showed that all participants were able to reduce their total cholesterol. Some drops we requite dramatic and the overall average fall was over 15%. This represents a significant average reduction by just taking LoSterol Patients also reported no side effects on treatment and if fact many said that they felt well and their general health had improved.
Clearly this natural treatment offers a potentially significant fall in cholesterol without and is well tolerated so that treatment can continue long term to maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular fitness.
Case Study
New UK research confirms significant cholesterol , reductions using LoSterol only.
Volunteers were recruited from all over the UK this Springtime to take part in an open diet controlled study to see just how efficient LoSterol was at reducing cholesterol – naturally!
Everyone who was recruited had a raised cholesterol and had been advised to try and reduce the levels of this potentially harmful blood fat.
Volunteers were asked to either do a self assessed
cholesterol level using a standard cholesterol finger prick test – or to get their local GP to do a fasting cholesterol test. All volunteers were then asked to take up to 3 capsules of LoSterol every day for 42 days when they were retested.
The Illustration above shows the results for every volunteer.
- ALL volunteers recorded a drop in total cholesterol whilst taking between 1 and 3 capsules every day
- ALL volunteers maintained their diet and exercise levels throughout the study
- Volunteers who had a full fasting cholesterol test ALL showed significant drops in LDL (bad) cholesterol
- Several volunteers reported better energy levels whilst taking LoSterol
- ALL volunteers found LoSterol easy to take and FREE from side effects
Phytosterol Extract from PINE 270mg (including beta sitosterol, stigmasterol compesterol and brassicasterol), ALLISURE®allicin powder (non GM maltodextrin, gum acacia & allicin), Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate Powder BP (vegetarian source), Silica.
Capsule shell of plant origin (Hypromellose).
For allergens please see ingredients in BOLD.