Also for more serious illnesses such as AIDS, Cancer, Hepatitis, MRSA Infection and Tuberculosis.
In cases of serious illnesses, AlliTech Liquid has had some remarkable results. Contact us direct for free advice.
Cold Sores Margaret’s daughter had bad flare ups of cold sores. She was off work, but after applying AlliTech Gel, 3 times a day, the cold sores have completely gone. If you have cold sores the virus stays in your blood forever, unless it is destroyed by 100% Allicin in AlliTech.
Burns Helen's legs were badly burned when she was close to a bonfire at scout camp and her jeans caught fire.
The hospital was very worried that she may need a skin transplant. However, AlliTech Liquid was applied and Helen's legs healed and were normal again within a day, to the great astonishment of the hospital staff.
MRSA The bacteria Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococeus Aureus (MRSA) and several other strains of bacteria living in our gut, known as 'alert organisms'. In most cases, these bacteria cause no problem, but when they enter another body system such as the blood or urine, they may cause illness when colonised. People carrying the bacteria in their nose, throat, and gut or on their skin, do not show symptoms. However, if the patient has a temperature and/or redness of a wound, this may indicate an infection. These bacteria are resistant to most conventional antibiotics.
Deborah decided to use allicin, but her consultant and some of their district nurses were not happy about the thought of her using allicin. After just a few weeks of spraying allicin liquid and applying allicin gel directly only on the wounds and taking allicin orally, Deborah's wound had healed. Her hospital confirmed that her infection had cleared up and that she not longer needed to have a planned operation.
Cancer Sheila B, a pharmacist, from London was diagnosed with stage 4 follicular lymphoma (a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, incurable at present, with orthodox treatment) with a tumour 10 cm x 7.5 cm in her abdomen. She decided to refuse chemotherapy because of the very damaging side effects and instead used amongst other things, a large dose of AlliTech Liquid daily (25 ml). Despite her doctor's dire predictions of what would happen without chemotherapy, the hospital has now confirmed Sheila no longer needs any orthodox treatment. She now lives a normal life and taking a maintenance dose of 10 ml of AlliTech Liquid daily.
Cough Rolf Gordon had a persistent strong cough for about two months. The cough could only just be controlled by using powerful ‘Tubohaler’ inhalers, used for asthma, many times during the day and night. Within one week of taking 2 x 5 ml AlliTech Liquid per day the cough stopped completely.
Nebulised AlliTech Liquid for Pneumonia and Upper Respiratory Infections.
Dr Tom Bailard, Seattle, USA, 16 November, 2007: “This winter I've treated patients with Upper Respiratory Infections (URI) with nebuliser allicin(1) and had dramatic results. One of those successes was with pneumonia.” (1) As in AlliTech.
“The pneumonia patient came in complaining of malaise, lungs "heavy", mildly productive cough with yellow greenish sputum, mild sore throat, and frontal headache. His throat and nasal mucosa were red and he had a slight amount of yellow nasal discharge. Moist rales in all lung fields. After the AlliTech treatment, I gave him a prescription for antibiotics and told him to collect it if he felt worse over the next few hours or was not better in 24 hours. I called him a few days later and he said that he felt great and never collected the antibiotic prescription".
I've treated eight severe URI patients on this protocol. They've all felt relief from the nebulisation and none have returned for further treatment. Send patients home with the remains of the Liquid, instructing them to gargle five times a day using five drops in ¼ cup of warm, but not hot, water.”
Treatment: Start by filling the nebuliser's receptacle with 2.5 ml of sterile saline(2) and 2.5 ml of AlliTech Liquid.
(2) Sterile Saline solution has 0.9% Sodium Chloride and is used for wound irrigation and cleaning.
If you have difficulty in getting saline from your doctor cleaning fluid for contact lenses will do.
Switch nebuliser on. Breathe in vapour from nebuliser, hold breath to a count of 10 (about 7 seconds), then breathe out as much as you can. Start again by breathing in the vapour from the nebuliser. Carry on with this procedure for about 5 to 10 minutes. You might cough a little when you start inhaling. Do this once or twice a day for 3 days or longer.
This technique exposes all the respiratory membranes to the AlliTech's anti-viral, fungal, bacterial and parasitic effects. This will help open up your lungs and make breathing easier.