The Menopause Q&A

Gut Health by Dulwich Health

The menopause is an inevitable and natural life stage that affects women differently. It’s a process driven by hormonal changes within the body, and while it can’t be prevented, there are ways to manage its associated symptoms and challenges. In this Q&A, we discuss menopause and offer advice for women seeking relief from its symptoms.

Q1: What is the average age a woman can expect to experience the menopause?

The menopause typically occurs around the age of 50, however pre-menopause systems can occur as early as 40.

Q2: How long can the menopause process take?

The menopausal transition includes the peri-menopause stage, where the first symptoms appear. On average, peri-menopause lasts around 4 years, but can eb as long as 10. A woman is considered post-menopausal when she hasn’t had a period for 1 year.

Q3: What are the most common symptoms women can expect during menopause?

Menopausal symptoms can vary, but common ones include changes in menstrual periods (lighter or heavier), hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, breast tenderness, skin problems, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, palpitations, and headaches. Recent research found that two out of three women experience hot flashes during perimenopause, and the earlier they start, the longer they’re likely to persist.

Q4: Can lifestyle factors like diet and activity level worsen menopause symptoms?

Yes, lifestyle plays a role. A healthy diet provides essential nutrients for hormone production. Phytoestrogens in fruits and vegetables can help balance hormonal changes. Moderate exercise can boost hormone production, while excessive exercise might contribute to early menopause. Smoking is associated with earlier menopause and more severe symptoms. Women who smoke are twice as likely to have hot flashes. Alcohol intake is also linked to early menopause and more severe symptoms.

Q5: What nutritional advice do you have to ease menopause symptoms?

Avoid convenience foods, especially those high in sugar, as they can lack essential nutrients and contribute to menopause-related weight gain. Certain trigger foods like spicy dishes, coffee, and chocolate can increase hot flashes. Nutrient deficiencies in magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin D can worsen menopausal symptoms. Supplements containing calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, and coenzyme Q10 can help manage osteoporosis and cardiovascular health. Omega-7 sea buckthorn oil and Lady Prelox have shown promise in clinical studies for vaginal dryness and decreased libido relief.

Q6: Can menopause be prevented?

No, menopause is a natural life stage and cannot be prevented. However, its symptoms can be managed.

Q7: How can I manage hot flashes?

Managing hot flashes can include lifestyle changes like wearing light clothing, keeping your bedroom cool, and avoiding trigger foods. Some women find relief with hormone therapy or natural remedies.

Q8: Is hormone therapy safe for managing menopause symptoms?

Hormone therapy can be safe and effective for managing symptoms, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Discuss the risks and benefits with your healthcare provider.

Q9: What can I do about mood swings and irritability during menopause?

Regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, and maintaining a balanced diet can help stabilize mood swings. Some women find counseling or therapy beneficial.

Q10: Can I still have a satisfying sex life during menopause?

 Yes, it’s possible to have a satisfying sex life during menopause. Managing symptoms like vaginal dryness and low libido with the help of healthcare providers or supplements can contribute to an active and enjoyable sex life.

Menopause is a unique journey for every woman. Understanding its natural course and available strategies for symptom relief can make this transition more manageable. Consult with your healthcare provider to find the best approach for your individual needs.

Supplements to aid Menopause:

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