Cry-Babies & Being Geopathically Stressed

In so many cases, parents had a peaceful night’s sleep, after their baby’s cot was moved to a Geopathically Stressed-free place, recommended by Rolf Gordon.
Before contacting me, try and place the cot in various places or use the Muscle Test (described in ‘The Big Four’, page 32) to find a good place for the cot.

Here’s a link to a PDF copy of ‘The Big Four’ a hard copy is also available FREE of charge from our website click here.

If your baby is still crying, it may be because you are too anxious to comfort your baby too soon. In a recent article in The Daily Telegraph, researchers at Warwick University analysed data on almost 8,700 children and found in Denmark and Germany, crying levels are much lower, as parents are more relaxed about their babies and are more likely to wait a minute or two after they begin crying, before picking them up. Your baby may wake up and cry because it has had a bad dream, which it may soon forget about.

Another reason why babies cry a lot, is because they suffer from colic. If your baby is being breastfed, the mother may need to solve the baby’s digestion problems by taking OxyTech.
Babies as young as a few weeks old, with microparasites (mainly viruses), which antibiotics cannot destroy, have been cleared of micro-parasites within weeks by giving them half a teaspoonful of AlliTech Liquid with something they can tolerate, four times a day.

Have a peaceful night’s sleep.
Best wishes.

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